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  • Unlimited courses
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  • 1:1 Instructor SupPort
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  • Completion Certificates
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Frequently asked questions

What do you offer that I cannot get elsewhere?

There are many websites offering incredible Bible teaching. Our main differentiator is to provide seminary-level courses at a level that can be understood by non-seminarians. Additionally, we offer a learning environment that is built on community and direct interaction with the instructor. Our desire is that you truly comprehend the material, and we strive to do everything possible to ensure that end.

Is Layman's College an accredited institution?

No. Layman's College is a ministry platform offered by Discipled Church to train and equip laypersons of the church. Neither our classes nor instructors are accredited. You will not receive any college credit for their completion.

Is Layman's College a seminary?

No. Laymen's College is neither a seminary nor a substitution for seminary. We understand that laypersons of the church require adequate training through platforms other than seminary, which is why we exist. If you are considering a pastoral, missionary, or other full-time vocational role, we wholeheartedly recommend that you pursue a formal seminary degree from a recognized institution.

Do you offer group discounts?

Yes! We offer discounts for 10 or more people. This is perfect for churches, organizations, classes, and small groups. We require that the entire purchase be made through a single individual. Then, that individual has the ability to assign "seats" to others. Group discounts cannot be purchased through the site. You will need to contact us for details.

Can I share the content with my class or small group?

Unfortunately, licenses are for individual use only. In accordance with our Terms of Serve, we do not allow the material to be shared or distributed with an audience, unless each member of the class, group, etc. has their own license. In such cases, you may wish to purchase a group plan.